Archive for August, 2012

“Panic in the Party”

August 24, 2012

I totally agree with Mike Huckabee on this one.

“The Party’s leaders have for reasons that aren’t rational, left Todd Akin behind on the political battlefield, wounded and bleeding, In a Party that supposedly stands for life, it was tragic to see the carefully orchestrated and systematic attack on a fellow Republican. Who ordered this “Code Red?” — Mike Huckebee -Letter to Supporters — 8/23/12.

Everything all started when Congressman Todd Akin, running for the U.S. Senate in Missouri, was being interviewed early Sunday morning, August 19th, on KTVI -TV in Saint Louis. Discussing possible exceptions to an absolute ban on abortions, Akin came up with a doozy when he observed, “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” As nuts as that sounds – and is — poor Todd didn’t make that up all by himself.

In his book “Why Can’t We Love Them Both: Questions and Answers About Abortion,” Dr. John C. Willke, former President of the National Right to Life Committee, claims that the trauma associated with “assault rape” makes “a woman’s body less habitable and thus lessens the possibility of pregnancy.”

Although the scientific community at large has declared this allegation intellectually baseless, Mitt Romney himself welcomed the endorsement of Dr. John Willke in 2007, declaring in an official campaign release — “Dr. Willke is a leading voice within the pro-life community and will be an important surrogate for Governor Romney’s pro-life and pro-family agenda.”

So it’s a mystery why, in less than 48 hours, Todd Akin was utterly castigated by fellow Republicans for parroting what investigation reveals was a fairly popular ideological fantasy. Almost every major party figure faithfully fell into immediate obeisant lock step line without further question or commentary in calling for Akin’s withdrawal from the Missouri race.

And that’s the part that scares me. Who panicked? Who did order this “Code Red?” It sure worked. Sort of.

It doesn’t seem to have been Mitt Romney. Displaying characteristic out front leadership, Mitt waited till everybody else went first before bravely intoning, “Todd Akin’s comments were offensive and wrong and he should very seriously consider what course would be in the best interest of our country,” It wasn’t until another 24 hours passed that Romney summoned up enough testicular fortitude to add,“Today, his fellow Missourians urged him to step aside, and I think he should accept their counsel and exit the Senate race.”

But Akin wasn’t afraid of the big, bad Mitt. He’s in the fight till the finish, not only against sitting Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill, but also in opposition to powerful pressures from virtually the entire national Republican establishment. Mike Huckebee is the only clear and — I must say — heroic exception to obviously top-ordered consensus. But, again, just who is “on high” in all this with firm control on a remarkably efficient and, I admit, functionally enviable lever?

I assure you such a display of unequivocal, automatic, mindless unity would never occur in Democratic circles. Hah! Are you kidding me?

That’s why those who repeat allegations that “Obama could have done anything he wanted his first two years in office with a Democratic majority in the House and Senate” ignore one plain fact. Reality. Factoring into the mix a large segment of “Blue Dog” (i.e., “conservative leaning”) Democrats in the House and, more importantly, a Republican minority in the Senate still large enough to block dozens upon dozens of progressive initiatives with the threat of a filibuster, Barack didn’t stand a chance.

So it is that — as much as I abhor Akin’s since rescinded recital on “legitimate rape” and hope Ms. McCaskill trounces him thoroughly in November — I must salute Todd Akin’s unwavering dedication to his beliefs and Mike Huckabee’s loyalty in backing same.

Ultimately, the idea of inherent, God-ordained resistance to rape sperm is really no crazier than other right-wing delusions of the day, including demonizing Obamacare, denying the desired destruction of Medicare and Social Security, insisting that “trickle down” still works, stoking the flames of yet another profit-laden Mideast war and, yes, even hoping we can be forced to pretend that an acorn is an oak tree in defining “personhood”.

However — all that doesn’t help in determining who — or what — ordered “Code Red” on Congressman Akin.

There’s an unknown big hand moving our way.

“Chicken a la Huckabee”

August 10, 2012

Miles Parker Romney (1843-1904)

“There’s battle lines being drawn
Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind”

“For What It’s Worth” — Buffalo Springfield (1966)

Assuming that Dan Cathy, President and Chief Operating Officer of Chick-fil-A, meant what he said when he told The Baptist Press that he was “very much supportive of the Biblical definition of the family unit”, it might be cynically suggested that hundreds of area Christians lined up at Fresno’s River Park Chick-fil-A outlet on August 1st in enthusiastic support of boundless polygamy as endorsed by Mitt Romney’s Great Grandfather, Miles Park Romney, when he fled to Mexico in 1885 with his five wives — Caroline, Millie, Catherine, Alice and Hannah — Mitt’s Great-Grandmother.

The Old Testament is loaded with ladies who were a one-man woman to a many women man. That’s just how things were — a culturally inherited predisposition to just be that way.

Genesis 4:19 —”And Lamech took unto him two wives.”

Genesis 26:34 — “Esau … took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite.”

And — taking the gold —

1 Kings 11:2-3 — “Solomon … had seven hundred wives … and three hundred concubines.”

In the New Testament, we see such passages as Matthew 25:1, which reads, “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.” At the time of Christ, polygamy was common in Jewish culture and practiced as a traditional custom by early Christians, although banned by Roman law.

Justin Martyr (AD 100 -165), an early Christian apologist considered a Saint by the Roman Catholic Church, observed it was common for a Jewish man to have four or five wives. In fact, polygamy remained a Jewish institution until formally banned by Rabbi Gershom ben Judah in 1000 A.D.

One of the few true constants in our human experience is the inevitability of change, an obvious notion ignored at substantial intellectual peril by many who should know better Mr. Cathy’s pronouncement has nothing to do with First Amendment rights, such stipulations enacted to curtail governmental restrictions against free speech. But there is no guarantee of impunity – no Constitutional limitation to reaction for — or against such commentary.

Dan-Dan the Chicken Man had a perfect right to say what he did, historically and theologically nonsensical or not. Supportive forces had an equally perfect right to answer Mike Huckabee’s clarion call for communal chicken and I hereby claim my perfect right to suggest the Chick-fil-A turnout was driven immeasurably more by latent homophobia than liturgical heroics.

The faithful flock at Westboro Baptist believes that God hates queers.

The average Christian recoils at such despicable lunacy and considers those Westboro Baptists insufferable – if not insane.

But in the case of Same Sex Marriage, we witness an uncomfortable confrontation between what are perceived as the laws of God against those of man. It’s nothing new.

“And Jesus answering said to them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. And they marveled at him.” Mark 12:17

Thus — Biblically — ambiguity abounds.

Nothing is crystal clear – or clean cut – or plain as day.

The search for Truth can be found in all lands and in many diverse philosophies, none greater or wiser. Each belief system offers its own dynamics and is a reflection of the transcendental nature of its core culture.

The Holy Bible or Koran or Talmud or Book of Mormon or Book of The Dead or Rig Veda or Avesta or Amitabha Sutra or hundreds of other sacred scriptures represent “God’s word” only as defined by fallible followers — particularly errant when accompanied by self-serving insistence on spiritual exclusivity.

It’s just that way.

Breaking News!

August 6, 2012

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