Archive for February, 2017

“Together Divided”

February 26, 2017


Daniel had his Lion’s Den.

Tom McClintock had us.

Building “A’ at the Mariposa County Fairgrounds was overflowing with concerned constituents last Tuesday as Fourth District Representative Tom McClintock faced a crowd estimated by the Los Angeles Times at over 900 attendees. McClintock generated a similar turnout in Sonora the following night with the Union Democrat reporting Sonora High School’s 569-seat auditorium was filled to capacity with another several hundred left outside. A rock star was born.

While Tom McClintock was our local headline attraction, Donald J. Trump deserves all the discredit for packing both places to capacity and then some, just as he did at dozens and dozens of similar “Town Hall Meetings” across the land. It was all over TV. This nation’s gone nuts, nuts being particularly hardy, healthy and helpful in this instance.

Roughly two-thirds of the folks in both Mariposa and Sonora were on a vibrantly vocal anti-Trump side of the political divide, while the rest were loyal McClintock fans who came out to back their guy and, to a certain extent, their new Republican President, although sounding much more in tune with Trump’s politics than persona. All in all, things were loud and lively, but not unduly so. Everyone basically played well together, even though widely circulated email allegedly authored by The Mariposa “Republican Central Committee” predicted otherwise.

I obtained copies from four separate sources.

It announces the McClintock Meeting, then states, ““The progressive
left has targeted this and all other town halls hosted by Republican
Congressmen to be disrupted and shut down. You are being asked to
stand for Mariposa and what is good and proper and if necessary
showing the left that we will not tolerate their behavior.”

 We were quite surprised.

The communiqué added – “Spread the word by e-mail and voice only. Don’t use social media. We don’t want the progressives to get wind of our movement.”


 Grammatical curiosities aside, while those of us in “the progressive left” were, in fact, “good and proper”, requiring no lessons in behavior toleration or any other matter, four vehicles in the Fairgrounds’ parking lot with Bernie Sanders bumper stickers had their tires slashed. The following night in Sonora, Representative McClintock properly referred to the “sniveling cowards” guilty of such behavior in Mariposa, adding, “When we catch you, we’re going to throw the book at you because your crime is not only directed at the victims whose property you damaged, it is aimed at every one of us who are seeking to exercise our constitutional rights to assemble and seek redress of grievances.” The crowd in Sonora loudly applauded, as does this columnist.

Our Congressman still embraces the concept of climate change as being more cyclical than man made, hopes to abolish the Affordable Care Act, equates dislike of Trump with prior concerns about Barack Obama, stands solidly against abortion and suggests increased insistence on initiating an extended investigation into Russian links is being primarily driven by election disappointment.

McClintock remains rigidly locked into similarly traditional conservative positions as immovable as Half Dome. No one can claim Tom McClintock isn’t completely consistent with his convictions and hasn’t been rigidly faithful to his flock through the years – qualities woefully lacking in today’s unbalanced occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as measured in milliseconds.

In only 40 days our national government has become a theater of the absurd.

Immediate measures have been taken against undocumented families; Planned Parenthood, transgender teens, and state sanctioned marijuana, but that trillion-dollar investment in infrastructure to create millions of jobs can wait till next year.

Trump’s escalating war against the press can only be rationally understood as pathetic preparation for final revelation when his self-initiated involvement in Kremlin intrigue can longer be avoided or denied. Convictive views? Fake news!

White House communication skills? Kellyanne Conway’s bold faced lies were first replaced by Sean Spicer’s puerile petulance, followed by ultra white Steven Miller’s glorious Gestapo glare, then substituted last Sunday by Deputy Press Secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders’ stumbling stupidity on ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos, who couldn’t keep a straight face.

Thunderous applause at last week’s CPAC meetings in Washington certified the Republican President’s canonization as the new conscience of American conservatism.

His conservative cabinet is already encountering embarrassing contradictions with global snickering reaching thunderous roar.

Confusion reigns supreme.

Who’s in charge? No one. Not even a mouse.

“Even Odds”

February 19, 2017


Bet one — win one.

Odds in Las Vegas that Donald Trump will be impeached before the end of his first term in office were 5 to 1 after his election on November 8th. Following last week’s latest bursts of insanity, including the Republican President’s unhinged tirade during his impromptu Thursday “Press Conference”, it’s now an even bet.

The scary part is – we’re betting our lives.

Michael Flynn is gone, having resigned as National Security Advisor, allegedly for the offense of lying to Vice-President Pence. That’s the current White House spin.

There is ample evidence to suggest that Trump, himself, was directly involved in a decision to undermine President Obama by contacting the Russian Ambassador and signaling a new day was on the way. Pal Putin was so happy he cancelled plans for reciprocal retaliation against newly leveled American sanctions and even invited American kids to the Kremlin for Christmas. Deck the halls with boughs of folly!

This, of course, would mean our new Republican President is lying about having initiated such an order in the first place, lying about why he kept Poodle in the dark for two whole weeks after learning leaks were looming, and lying about how he coaxed Flynn into falling on his sword as a final proof of allegiance with an act of heroic hara-kiri.

Does Donald J. Trump tell the truth?

Is Smoky the Bear Catholic?

Does The Pope sleep in the park?

A heavy hint of probable culpability was dropped during Thursday’s laborious, 77 minute long Trump-a-thon as Donald declared the following when asked if he authorized Flynn’s contact with Russian Ambassador, Sergey Kislyak:

“No, I didn’t. Mike was doing his job. He was calling countries and his counterparts. So, it certainly would have been OK with me if he did it. I would have directed him to do it if I thought he wasn’t doing it. I didn’t direct him, but I would have directed him because that’s his job”.

 Let’s recall there is absolutely no question that it is highly illegal for a private citizen to conduct diplomacy on behalf of the United States. In fact under The Logan Act of 1799 — it’s a felony. At the time of this “calling other countries”, Trump’s Inauguration was more than three weeks away. Barack Obama was President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief. General Michael Flynn was still — a private citizen.

Reputedly suffering from “cabin fever” after spending his first four weeks with so many boring hours stuck in the Oval Office and urgently needing to bask in the love and affection of a fanatical following who worship him with dog-like loyalty, the Republican President aimed Air Force One at Melbourne, Florida Saturday and his first Campaign Rally for re-election in 2020. It was a typical crowd of Trump’s wrestling world worshippers – pretense being a participatory prerequisite.

Melania Trump kicked things off with “The Lord’s Prayer”, initiating a new Beltway rumor that third wives are the holiest. It was the “Protestant” version too, adding that last part about “The Power and the Glory”. Hopefully this didn’t bring undue concern to our current Supreme Court comprised of five Roman Catholics and three members of the Jewish faith. Nominee Neil Gorsuch could become the first Protestant on the Court since 2010. He’s an Episcopalian thanks to Henry the 8th of England, who had five wives.

It’s certainly possible Judge Gorsuch will be a Supreme Court Justice by the time push comes to shove, kick, scream and shout as serious legal charges are finally levied against our 45th President following the completion of formal investigations.

The 22nd District’s own Devin Nunes (R-Tulare) – a Trump sycophant through and through — isn’t being particularly helpful moving such serious matters along. This chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (???) wants to guard the guilty and whack the whistle blowers.

While Senate leaders seem committed to conduct a legitimate inquiry into allegations of Russian influence in the 2016 elections, Nunes is instead focused with fury about Flynn’s resignation and the “leaks to reporters” which brought this about.

The Fresno Bee, our sister paper, nailed it in a Sunday Editorial.

“The Congressman — despite all his fire-breathing rhetoric – is nothing more than a paper tiger.”

I completely agree.

What we need now – is more than “meow.”





“Act One”

February 12, 2017


Wah Wah Wah.

Our Big Baby-in-Chief is finally getting spanked.

First it was those mean judges putting a hold on his Executive Orders to “protect our borders.”

Then that Chinese President made him personally sign a formal statement admitting there is only “One China” after all and insisting that this personal guarantee be hand-delivered to the Chinese Embassy in Washington before any “I’m sorry” phone call might be received. It was. He phoned. Apology accepted. For now. Too bad, Taiwan.

It was tough enough Baby’s promise to “Repeal and Replace” Obamacare quicker than you can say “Big League” must be put off a year or two or three, but can you imagine having to back away from moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem only days before Benjamin Nut and Yahoo comes calling? Oy vey!

This followed that mess with Kellyanne Convict defending Ivanka’s getting dumped by Nordstrom (Kmart and Sears have since followed suit) and National Security Advisor Mike “Thin Skin” Flynn getting much cozier with the Russians than previously known. Or admitted. Dasvidaniya!

Now the dishonest press is making fun when Alec Baldwin’s much less appealing lookalike reports that “busloads of people from Massachusetts” were sent into New Hampshire to fraudulently vote against him and former Senator Kelly Ayotte. That’s in addition to the three to five million “illegals” – all of whom voted for Hillary Clinton — which is why she won the popular vote, which he would have done if he’d really wanted to. No puede haber ninguna duda!

Many of the New England Patriots, winners of what well might have been the greatest Super Bowl in football history, aren’t going to come see him in The White House. The game’s MVP and most winning quarterback in NFL history, Baby’s buddy Tom Brady? Even Tom’s got better things to do.

His Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, is telling the world that referring to the judicial branch in a disparaging way seems “disheartening” and “demoralizing.”

Conservative Republicans are loudly voicing shock and awe that last weekend’s Presidential Hosting of the Japanese Prime Minister’s “Making Golf Great Again” stay at Trump-owned Mar-a-Largo, now Donald-designated as the “Winter White House”, will cost taxpayers approximately three million dollars. That’s $3 million for one weekend. Those caddies need tips.

Saturday’s festivities concluded with a lovely salute from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the form of a provocative intermediate-range ballistic missile test tracked for over 300 miles across North Korea and into the Sea of Japan a bit short of the island itself. No crash. Splish-splash.

Normally all this would be enough to drive a man to think.

But Baby is a different kind of infant. That’s what got him elected.

A hastily convened back porch response to Kim’s surprise in the skies concluded with more Trump trash talk while Melania looked on with admiration and the Shinzo Abes stood with polite forbearance. A guest must seem impressed.

Stressing that “only a President” knows how dangerous the world really is, the five times Vietnam era draft dodger flaunted his heroic concern for the safety and well-being of all fellow Americans ready for rock and rule. He’s all about super security. The ultimate protector knows who loves us and who does not. His heart is true. His mind is clear. After all, unlike John McCain, Donald J. Trump was never captured by the enemy.

Each time Baby hesitatingly recites obviously unfamiliar words from handy twin teleprompters – clumsily shifting left and right in formal lurch – it is becoming more and more painfully evident that most of the time he doesn’t have the vaguest idea what he’s talking about, nor the intellect or interest in doing otherwise. It’s all just a show.

Not even four weeks in, serious murmurs of inevitable impeachment are already blowing in the wind from sea to shining sea. Four YEARS? Even die-hard supporters are seriously wondering where we’re going and how long it will take to get there, assuming there’s a “there” to reach. How much time will pass before promised jobs, premium pay and other false prophesies of a greater tomorrow are replaced by dire disappointment and deeper divisions?

Hold fast to your playbills and hang on tight.

Act One has just begun.


February 5, 2017


While things got wild and wooly for our Fifth District Congressman Tom McClintock — requiring a heavy police escort leaving his Town Hall Meeting up in Roseville Saturday — things were quite different that same day here in Oakhurst at Denny’s.

The first meeting this year of our Oakhurst Democratic Club generated the largest turnout ever with a standing room only crowd exceeding over a hundred in attendance – but you could have heard a pin drop as the soft, unamplified voice of featured guest, Kamal Abu-Shamsieh, spoke of deeply shared values, prolonged spiritual reflection and a genuine, sustainable commitment to enduring world peace.

Abu-Shamsieh, formerly Director of the Islamic Cultural Center in Fresno and currently Community Outreach Liaison at Hinds Hospital, verified with his polished presence and powerful presentation the reality that we ARE “all in this together” – and need to pledge ourselves to continued cooperation and unshakable unity in the face of a frightening instability never before experienced at the highest levels of American elective office.

Mar-a-Lago is a 126 room, 110,000 square foot, Trump-owned palace containing a members-only club with guest rooms, a spa and hotel-style amenities. The Trump family maintains private quarters in a separate, closed-off area. As a taxpayer, you’ll be subsidizing this high-tone hangout to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next few years. Make sure those Treasury checks are made out to Eric. Donald no longer has anything to do with the family business.

Even as Democrats and friends met in Oakhurst, the creature was twittering and tweeting deep discontent from the bowels of Mar-a-Lago — his self-designated “Winter White House” on Palm Beach Island.

“The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned.”

Our so-called President was referencing a nationwide restraining order signed by U.S. District Judge James L. Robart in Seattle halting parts of an Executive Order temporarily barring some immigrants and refugees from seven predominantly Muslim countries. The way it is written, Syrians might have to stay away forever. Robart was nominated to the federal bench by Republican President George W. Bush in 2004 and confirmed by the Senate in a vote of 99 to 0.

Characteristically confusing historical with hysterical, Trump thus added Robart to his list of judges refusing to discern the endless wisdom hyperbolically pouring from his 500 word vocabulary, spurting forth in 140 characters at least a dozen times daily. He also doesn’t like that Mexican one born in Indiana.

All weekend the King of Kakistocracy continued his relentless attacks on Robart. Kakistocracy is a delightful new word I picked up at our Saturday meeting.


 “Government by the most unscrupulous or unsuitable people, or a state governed by such people.”

Trump insists he only wants to keep his country safe, although virtually universal consensus indicates exactly the opposite is true.

Look at leaders elsewhere. Justine Trudeau in Canada. Francois Hollande in France. Angela Merkel In Germany. Theresa May in Britain. Vladimir – oops. Wait. Putin’s siding with his pal. The Russian President owes D.T. at least that much for seeming to accept the potentially functional merits of casual killing as the whole world was watching FOX on Super Bowl Sunday. By the way, “D.T.” is also old slang for “Delirium Tremens” – involving shaking, confusion and hallucinations. Purely coincidental, I’m sure.

Bill O’Reilly kept a fairly straight face as Trump changed his time line for completely repealing and replacing ObamaCare from “three or four weeks” to “sometime next year”, implied that President Enrique Pena Nieto, with whom he ”gets along very well,” might be fine if we invade Mexico to help him deal with drug cartels, kept insisting that three million illegal voters cost him the popular vote and threatened that if California becomes a “Sanctuary State”, he just might withhold federal funding. This obviously ignores the fact that California sends much more money to Washington every year than it ever gets back in return. The Art of the Steal?

It’s really starting to look like a one-man show. Who needs Congress or the Federal Courts? Expect a steady extrusion of future Executive Orders oozing from the Oval Office. Anticipate regular live coverage of that special, glowing, look of infantile happiness joyously revealed on Donald’s face as he completes and contemplates his daily duty — proudly holding aloft on full display the end product of signing efforts for all present to see.

That’s entertainment.